In this time of double digit job loss, so many people are faced with a job search, and often in a brand new industry. What strikes fear in most people’s hearts is the interview. It may have been years since you last had an interview and find that you aren’t as knowledgeable about what to say, and how to say it. Whether starting out in the job market, transitioning to a new career or just to gain more confidence, Pelletier & Associates Career Development Professionals can work with you
to gain the confidence you need. Our Interviewing Skills services are designed to provide individuals with the practice and polish that they need to get the job! With over 25 years of experience in assisting individuals in their return to work, Pelletier & Associates is focused on providing straightforward, insightful and encouraging insight, to help job seekers to a new career. These services include:
One-on-one meetings with Career Development Professionals who will work with the job seeker on polishing their communication skills.
An Interviewing with Success Guide that includes information on Personal Introductions, Most Asked Interview Questions, Salary Negotiation and more.
- Telephone follow-up coaching to discuss concerns or in preparation for the big interview!
Pelletier & Associates also offers a variety of resources to our clients via our interactive website and website portal.
We invite you to explore the following links:
Resume Development
Job Seeking Skills