Disability Management - Return-to-Work Training |
Have you struggled to understand the intricacies of the Return-to-Work process? Or have you tried to communicate the responsibilities of this process with your managers and supervisors, with little success? With state and federal regulations guiding employers, it is essential that your managers understand their role in the accommodation process. Our comprehensive training program provides you with invaluable knowledge that can transform the effectiveness of your Return-to-Work process. At Pelletier & Associates, we specifically focus on how to implement existing company policies and how to effectively communicate with injured workers in order to achieve positive outcomes.
Our training includes:
- Introduction to the Interactive Process
- Overview of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Employment and Housing Act
- Current California case law
- ADA/FEHA definitions of disability
- Reasonable accommodations and employer’s responsibilities
- Review of essential functions
- Completion of the Job Description/Essential Function Job Analysis
- The Interactive Process – steps/documentation
Related Services:
Interactive Process
Job Description Development
Return to Work Program Development

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