Workforce Productivity Solutions

Injury Prevention - Ergonomics Training and Workshops

How many times have you brought in a trainer and been disappointed by the results? Many professionals call themselves “trainers” but the reality is that although they may be knowledgeable on a subject, they lack the connection with the audience that makes for an engaging presentation. Training requires a background in technical material, but also knowledge of adult learning styles, and most importantly experience.Ergonomics Training and Workshops

Our trainers are well versed in these techniques, and have years of training experience. Certification from the American Society of Training and Development as a Total Trainer, along with countless hours of training and speaking engagements at national industry conferences make our trainers some of the best in the business.

We offer a variety of workshops in areas in which we have extensive experience including our full line of injury prevention courses:

We also provide specific training in the area of Integrated Disability Management including training on Return-to-Work and the Interactive Process. With over 20 years in the field of disability management, we can put together a customized program that focuses on your specific needs.

Our Career Boost Workshops are an excellent way to assist individuals in finding their best career fit and providing the direction and motivation to pursue their passion. These workshops include:

We also offer Leadership Development workshops and seminars that are an excellent way to develop your leaders, enhance your employee morale, and boost productivity.

Team Work

Let Pelletier & Associates help guide your team to provide the best opportunities for your employees and reinvigorate the workplace with the energy and excitement that leads to creativity and productivity!



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